Is the phone number wrong? Do you want to change your primary email? Is your name misspelled? Do you see information for a student who’s not yours?
For most schools, ParentSquare is configured to NOT allow contact info changes, as it synchronizes with the school student information system (SIS) daily. In this case, a school administrator will first make make the change in the SIS, and it will sync over to ParentSquare within 24 hrs.
Contact the school office and ask for your contact information to be updated. Once they update your information in their SIS, the changes will appear in ParentSquare after the next daily sync.
3. How do I add a student who's missing?
If you are missing a child/school, it may be because:
Contact your child’s school to update your contact information in the SIS. Ensure you have the same email and phone number on file for all children and all schools.
Your account will be corrected when we sync with the SIS (daily).
Contact your child’s school to update your contact information in the SIS. Verify that each of your children have the same email address and mobile phone number listed for you.
Delete your ParentSquare user account(s) that does not have the correct email address (choose “Delete” when accessing your account in ParentSquare).
Your account will be corrected when we sync with the SIS. If the contact information has been made consistent across accounts in the SIS and the ParentSquare account(s) with the incorrect contact information have been deleted, then when we sync, your associations will be pulled into one ParentSquare account.
4. How do I update my language preference?
Do you want to have messages translated to another language? Are your messages showing up in the wrong language?
In a web browser, click on your name to update your language preferences.
In the app, go to Account > Preferences from the menu.
Select your preferred language and save.
5. How do I stop or change notifications?
ParentSquare allows parents to customize their notifications based on notification type and select their preferred delivery method for each school. Notification types include:
ACTION (Web Portal)
On your home page select the down arrow next to your name and click on 'My Account'.
Select "Customize your settings" under Notification Settings.
ACTION (Mobile Apps)
From your home screen click the triple bar in the top left corner
Click on "Account," then "Preferences," then "Notification Settings"
6. How do I unsubscribe? I'm not a parent!
Sometimes, non-parents get messages from a school using ParentSquare.
Most likely a parent or staff member made a typo, and there is incorrect contact data for a parent or student that matches a real phone number or email!
Only the school or district is authorized to update contact details. This maintains security and protects student privacy.
Please contact the school that is sending you messages to have them remove your contact details from their SIS.
Reply STOP to a text message to block future messages.
For all personal assistance or troubleshooting, reach out to your school.
Your school’s ParentSquare administrator will be able to contact our Support Team to escalate any bugs or complex issues that they are unable to resolve.