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Music and Fine Arts

SV Music and Fine Arts

Susquehanna Valley's Music Staff
Kelly Dyson • Steven Hine • Robert Johnson • Eileen Miller • 
Meggan Olds • Jennifer Perkins • Wendy Stafford
Susquehanna Valley's Art Staff
Bassem Eldakar • Bridget Ray • Joyce Russell • Christine Sumner
Students attending Susquehanna Valley Schools have the opportunity to participate in a quality music program that includes courses in music appreciation and general music.

The Vocal/Choral program begins in our elementary schools with general music classes. At the middle school, students take general music in 6th and 7th grades. These classes introduce the recorder, guitar, singing, notation and listening to the many different genres of music using band, orchestra and choral literature. Opportunities also exist for students to participate in band, chorus and orchestra.

The senior high offers courses that are electives. Students may choose band, orchestra, chorus, Music Theory or Piano Lab to satisfy the requirements of one unit in music or art for graduation.

Instrumental lessons for strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion are started in grade 4. The middle school and high school have bands, orchestras and choruses which are also an important part of the music program. Several concerts are performed yearly throughout the district.

In addition to the band, orchestra and chorus offerings, there are jazz ensembles in grades 6-12 and percussion ensemble in grades 9-12, and a high school Pep Band.
The SV School District is a member of the Broome County and New York State School Music Associations. Membership allows students to participate individually or as a unit at the All-County Elementary and Middle School festivals and at sectional, state and national events.

The music staff, administration and students are proud of their achievements in competition and in their service to school and community.
picture of a large group of student musicians

Another great showing for SV High musicians at NYSSMA

The SV High School Concert Band and Orchestra were superb at the May 16 NYSSMA Festival!
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group of child musicians

The magical musical month of March

In the magical musical month of March, many of our top musicians and singers participated in BCMEA Festival II.
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Kaleb twitchell photo

Milligan, Twitchell make their mark in Scholastic Art Awards

Works by two very talented Susquehanna Valley High School artists have been recognized in the 81st Annual Scholastic Art Awards. More +
cat drawing

SV Art Teachers Practice What They Teach

Art students in Susquehanna Valley can rest assured they are learning the craft from teachers with bona fide talent and ability. More +
Bob Ross Challenge

The Bob Ross Challenge at SV High

From Susquehanna Valley High School Art Teacher Joyce Russell!
"To wrap up my Painting I classes for the year, students participated in the "Bob Ross Challenge." We followed along with a classic episode of The Joy of Painting, and tried to paint what Bob painted. The kids had an amazingly fun time, and some put their own spin on the landscape!" Mrs. Russell intends to make this an annual event.
Come on now...who doesn't love Bob Ross?
NYSSMA students

Sabers make the grade at NYSSMA

The "joy of playing music" bug has sure bitten a lot of our students and we couldn't be more proud of the progress they're making. We have some more recent examples of Sabers shining on stage! 
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