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SV Health Services

Contact Us

To reach our school Health Offices:
Brookside Elementary School (Megan Pappas, RN)
Phone: (607) 669-4201 • Fax: (607) 775-7502

Francis P. Donnelly Elementary School (Rebecca Flanders, RN)
Phone: (607) 775-9108 • Fax: (607) 775-7507
Richard T. Stank Middle School (Colleen Lynch, BSN, RN)
Phone: (607) 775-9136 • Fax: (607) 775-7508
Susquehanna Valley High School • (Tammy Hoover, RN)
Phone: (607) 775-9119 • (607) 775-7509

With flu, education can mean prevention
Cooler weather has arrived, and with it - flu season. There are steps each of us can take to help lessen the spread and severity of flu this season, such as frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, and staying away from others when you're feelng sick. The NYS Health Department has released THIS FACT SHEET to explain what flu is, and what we can do to minimize its impact on our lives at home, at work, and at school.

Straight talk on vaping, e-cigs and Juul

man with back turned to camera behind counter at vaping store
It's just harmless water vapor, right? It's much safer than smoking cigarettes, right? It's not addictive, right?

How much do you really know about the increasingly popular practice of "vaping?"

That question has taken on a new sense of urgency as more and more young people are being lured into the habit, and they may be doing it right in front of you without you even knowing. If we want to help young people avoid this dangerous fad, we have to get educated.

As THIS PBS VIDEO shows, there are a lot of schools and parents currently dealing with a staggering increase in a behavioral practice that has the potential for very serious health consequences. There are a lot of good resources to help you find the real facts about vaping, e-cigs and Juul:

SVCSD General Health Information

The Susquehanna Valley central School District is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, well-being and ability to learn. The healthcare team realizes that the health of our students is directly related to their ability to succeed in school. We will strive to address all students’ health care needs and to maintain a healthy student population.

Health Information

Medication in school Medication Order Form

The school nurse CANNOT diagnose, prescribe medications or treat without a doctor’s order. If it is necessary for a child to receive medications during school hours, the following procedure must be followed:

1) A written order from the physician prescribing the medication, including ALL over the counter medications (Tylenol, Advil) the order must state the following:
a) Name of medication
b) Dosage
c) Time and frequency to be given
d) Effect of medication
2) Written permission from the parent /guardian to give the medication
3) Medication must be brought into school in the original container or prescription bottle
4) Medications are not to be transported to and from school with the child
5) Children are not allowed to carry medications to school or on the bus

Please contact the health office at your child’s school if he/she is on medications at home which may have possible side effects. Notify the health office if there are changes in medication at home (i.e. discontinued, dosage change, new medication)

Immunization Requirements
New York State allows a grace period of 14 days after the start of school for all immunizations to be completed and recorded. If your child is not fully immunized by now, please call your doctor or the Broome County Health Department to set up an appointment as soon as possible. We will need confirmation – in writing- from your doctor stating that an appointment has been made.  After this 14 day waiting period, New York state public health law mandated that children be excluded from school until immunizations are completed.

Medical Exemptions Medical Exemption Form (MUST be completed annually)
(NOTE: New York State no longer accepts religious exemptions) 
Requires a notarized letter- please contact the health office if this applies to your child.

For student in BK
4 DPT/DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
3 IVP/OVP (polio)
1-4 Hib (haemophilus influenzae type B) if given prior to 15 months of age: 1 Hib if given after 15 months of age
3 Hepatitis B
1 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), given on or after 4 days before 1st birthday
1 Varicella (chicken pox), given on or after 4 days before 1st birthday.
1-4 Pneumococcal at appropriate ages (for dosing schedules contact your physician or the school nurse)

For student in K - 12
4 - 5 DPT/DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
3 – 4 IVP/OVP (polio)
3 Hepatitis B
1 Meningococcal conjugate dose by grade 7, 2 doses by grade 12(after age 16)
1 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) K only
2 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) required by age 7
2 Varicella (chicken pox
1 Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis booster) for all students entering grade 6-12 born on/after January 1, 1994

Annual Physical Examination Physical Form
New York State Education Department requires physical examination for the following:
  • All students entering the district for the first time
  • Students in grades PK,K,1,3,5,7,9,and 11. 
  • Working paper permit
  • Students participating in Athletics (modified, junior varsity, or varsity).
It is preferable that your child be examined by his or her own health care provider (doctor, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, practicing in New York State or within a 50 mile radius of a NYS border). The goal of the exam is to identify health factors that contribute to or interfere with your child’s ability to function satisfactorily in school.
Examinations preformed on or after Sept. 1 the year prior to the child entering the district or the mandated grade or later may be used in any of the mandated grades.
If documentation of a new entrant or grade-mandated physical is not received by March 30th of the mandated year, the school nurse practitioner will perform the exam at school.
During physical exam at school, just as in a private physician’s office, boys will be checked for presence of both testicle and for inguinal hernia. Girls will be visually checked for breast and genital development for the purpose of maturity screening. New York Sate allows parents to request to be present for this exam.
Exemption from a school physical is permitted by the state, but only on grounds of sincere and genuine religious beliefs – contact your school nurse – if you believe this applies to your family.

Athletic Physical Examinations Go to Athletics Page
Documentation of a physical examination (either done by private physician or school nurse practitioner) must be present in the school health office for participation in school athletics.
The exam is good for one year, plus to the end of the month on which they are done (e.g. a physical done Aug. 1 2018 is good through Aug. 31, 2019). 

Working Paper Physical Examinations Physical Form
New York State requires documentation of a physical exam done within the past 12 months of the date of the working permit is issued. The practitioner who performed the examination MUST sign the form. Please take the working papers to the physician who performed the physical for signature. 

During the year, the following mandated screenings will be completed at school.
A letter will be sent home if there are any finding on the screenings that would cause concern or need medical follow up.
     Distance acuity for all newly entering students and students in K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10
     For all newly entering students and students in K, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10
•Scoliosis(spinal curvature)
    Girls grades 5 and 7; Boys grade 9
•Dental Certificates (optional) Dental Health Form
     For students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.

Weight Status reporting
The NYS department on Health request that schools report student weight status (BMI) category information. This includes pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and grades 2, 4, 7 and 10. Only summary information is sent. No names and no information about individual students are sent. The information sent to the NYS Department of health will help officials develop programs that make it easier for children to be healthier. If you wish your child’s weight status not be reported complete the BMI Opt-Out Form. 

Emergency Contact Information
It is extremely important that each student have current contact information for emergencies. This form is sent out at the beginning of each school year. Please update phoned numbers and or address changes as they occur. We contact only those numbers listed on this form.

Health History
The annual Health History Form is sent out at the beginning of the school year. This form gives health information about your child that is needed by the health office, such as current medications, allergies, recent injuries or surgeries. Please update the Health office if your child’s medications change.

Reporting Absences/Legal excuses
When your child is absent from school, please notify the main office for the Elementary schools and the health offices for the Middle and High schools. A note from a parent /guardian must be brought into school within 48 hours after an absence. The student first and last name, dates absent and reason for the absence must be on the note and signed by the parent/guardian. Legal absences include illness, doctor’s appointment, and death in family.
The schools will attempt to contact those students who did not report an absence; even if you talk to the school a note must be brought in.

Physical Education Restrictions/Excuses
In the event your child needs to be restricted from participation in physical education due to injury, medical or surgical reasons a physician’s note with the reason for the restriction and the duration of the restriction must be presented to the health office.
If the doctors’ note states that the student is not to participate “until further notice” he/she must be reevaluated by his/her provider to be cleared for activity.

In the event you feel your child needs to be excused from physical education for a day or two, the Nurse will excuse the student from participation in the elementary school for up to 2 days and in the middle and high schools for only 1 day with the expectation the class will be made up.

Protected Health Information Release
This Health Information Release Form will allow designated providers to share health information concerning your child with the school district. This information will only be used to allow heath care collaboration and to maintain student safety, provider care, or modify/create programming.

When to keep your child home
At times it may be difficult for parents to decide whether or not to send children to school. There are times when it is best to keep your child home; here are a few of those situations
  • Fever greater than 100 orally; child should be fever free without medications for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Child is too sleepy or ill to profit from sitting in class all day
  • Significant cough that makes a child feel uncomfortable or disrupts class
  • Sore throat that is severe, accompanied by fever and /or simply feeling ill that persists longer than 48 hours, or after known exposures to a confirmed case of streptococcal throat infection.
  • Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth that might be impetigo, or a rash in various stages including boils, sores and bumps that may be chicken pox, OR a significant rash accompanied by other symptoms
  • Red, Runny eyes until cleared as non-contagious by a physician
  • Large amount of discolored nasal discharge, especially if accompanied by facial pain or headache
  • Severe ear pain or drainage form the ear - this needs to be evaluated by your health care provider
  • Severe headache, especially if accompanied by fever, which should be evaluated by your healthcare provider
  • Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
  • Any condition that you think may be serious or contagious to others.
The best defense against spreading infection is good hand washing. Children should wash their hands thoroughly and often with soap and water. Hand washing should take as long as singing your ABC’s twice silently.
Teach your children to cough and sneeze into their elbow, dispose of dirty tissues promptly and to keep their hands away from their face.



Early Release Day

Fri Jan 24 2025

2-Hr. Delay (Teacher PD)

Thu Jan 30 2025

Donnelly Elem PTA Meeting

Thu Feb 6 2025