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Parent Dashboard

ParentSquare Dashboard

When a parent logs into ParentSquare, they can view their children easily. Parents will see all children associated with their ParentSquare account even if their child is at another school site within a district or network.

POSTS: The 'Post' tab allows parents to view all the posts that pertain to their student(s). 

MESSAGES: The 'Messages' tab allows parents to view any messages from teachers or staff. 

Parents can also send a message to a teacher or staff member if you have a question. Click 'New Message' to start your message.  
Note: This feature is optional and can be turned off by your school administration. 

Under recipients, you can also type out the name of the staff member you want to contact. Under 'Quick Select Recipients' you can also select your child's teacher. Type your message and click 'Send.'

CLASSES: Parents can select a student from the left side menu and the 'Classes' section allows parents to view their child's classes. 

Learn more about the parent dashboard on the app here.