Susquehanna Valley Central School District News Article

RTS team CAN build

three female students next to a giant cake made of cans

Susquehanna Valley's Richard T. Stank Middle School took on the Broome-Tioga BOCES "Kids Can Build" Challenge, to raise awareness of hunger in our community. With money raised by BOCES and Visions Credit Union, participating schools purchased canned goods, which teams of students used to build a structure, with a message on hunger. RTS Kids Can Build Challenge advisor Rita Foran said, "The canned goods must be able to create a healthy meal. Structures are then judged. RTS Middle School won the award for Best Meal this year."  Per challenge rules, all cans are donated to CHOW. Our RTS "canstruction " crew consisted of Baileigh Green, Maura Heater, Morah Rolston, and Layla Tully.

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