Susquehanna Valley Central School District News Article

Saber Day at S V High

Saber Day at S V High

Susquehanna Valley High School students and staff spent a good portion of their day September 8 getting acquainted and having a lot of fun. While traditionally, the high school begins the year with the Olweus Program's focus on anti-bullying, this year the kick off event was renamed Saber Day, with an increased focus on increasing students, faculty and staff's connectedness, making the high school a safe, kind, and welcoming place. 

The Saber Day kick-off featured a club fair, giving students an opportunity to learn more about the range of clubs and activities available to them, and to sign up to join the ones that appeal to them.  Following a school-wide lunch, it was time for the "main event" - a scavenger hunt! Teams of students roamed the halls and grounds of the high school completing assigned tasks and competing with other teams.


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