From RTS Middle School Science Teacher Michael Henderson:
A couple months back the school acquired several hydroponics towers for growing plants through the Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Broome County Health Department. Now, these towers have been installed in the MS and HS and are being used for various purposes, including Jessica Esperon-Meneilly's culinary classes.
In middle school, we don't necessarily have those classes. Instead, we're focusing on showing kids that plant growth can be managed on a very small scale and can be done even in the comfort of your own home. Because of this success, we have several types of plants and herbs that are being grown in such vast quantities I'm going to give it all away!
Students are learning how the plants grow so efficiently and then they get to reap the benefits. Roughly once a week I'll be pruning and packaging the plants so that either students or staff can take them and use them at home!