Susquehanna Valley Central School District News Article

SV Senior riding along with BC Sheriff's officers as part of her experience with the New Visions program

You're likely familiar with the Career & Technical programs at Broome-Tioga BOCES. Some SV High School students are also taking advantage of another fantastic BOCES program. One that gives them a realistic peek into a career they may be contemplating, while also earning them college credit. It's the New Visions program, and it's perfect for college-bound seniors interested in careers in business, health, education, engineering, or law & government. 
Students enrolled in a New Visions academy spend mornings taking classes and working side-by-side with professionals in the community, observing and participating in real-world experiences. 
 Meagan comes back from a ride along with 
Broome County Sheriff's Deputy Pattwell.
Meagan Hannigan is enrolled in the New Visions Law & Government Academy and is currently experiencing a placement with the Broome County Sheriff's Department. She was looking for a challenge where she could participate in more focused activities and learn about what kind of profession she would like to pursue.
"I really enjoyed getting to know all the different officers and learning about why they chose to be a sheriff's deputy," Meagan shared. "I get to shadow them by going on ride alongs twice a week and see what their day consists of."
One of her favorite parts of the program is interacting with students from other schools in her academy, which includes 13 other students. While she's still deciding on her college choice, Meagan plans to major in Business Marketing at a four-year institution and hopes to play collegiate volleyball.
In addition to their real-world experiences, New Visions students receive their grade 12 English and social studies requirements through program coursework. The English class offered through SUNY Broome Fast Forward is College Writing I, and college credit is awarded following successful completion of the course. Social studies coursework is divided into two semesters. Economics is completed in the first semester for high school credit. In the second semester, students take Public Policy, receiving credit for successful completion through the SUNY Broome Fast Forward program.
The application process for New Visions includes an essay, teacher and school counselor recommendations, and an interview. Upon completion of the program, students earn four high school credits and varying numbers of college credits, dependent on the academy in which they are enrolled. 
Law & Government Academy students complete five placements throughout the school year. The Broome County Sheriff’s Office is Meagan’s second placement, and she will start her third placement on February 4.
Watch for more upcoming posts about SV Seniors and their experiences with the New Visions Academies! For more information about Broome-Tioga BOCES New Visions program, visit the New Visions web page. Or plan to attend Information Nights for students in grades 11 and 10 and their parents coming up in February and March. See the attachments below for details.

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